Chit-chat: Where have I been? Finishing uni, summer plans and what next…


Hello Beautiful People!


It’s been one hell of a hot minute since I last blogged, and I don’t know why, but for some reason I always feel super nervous when I’m getting back into Instagramming and blogging after a long break! So, I thought I’d do a little chit chat post to give you a quick update and get me back into the swing of things!


I’ve basically spent the last few months stressed to the max trying to make it through the last stages of my master’s degree. I genuinely can’t believe that I’m finally finished, and I’m so glad to be leaving uni at long last. Some of my course mates would say that the 4 years flew by, but for me personally they felt like an absolute drag!


Anyways, after exams I took my first US trip to Los Angeles  which was an absolute blast and made me consider possibly moving there sometime in the future – a blog post on my highlights from the trip will be coming soon!


So now I’m at the start of a whole new chapter of my life which I’m both nervous and excited about.  There were times when I felt that my degree was an obstacle stopping me from doing the things I really enjoyed and wanted to do, such as playing my musical instruments and blogging amongst other things, and although I still have my training year with one last massive exam to go, within a year I’ll be at the stage where I’ll be able to do whatever I want and pursue what I am truely passionate about with the only excuse for not doing so, being myself rather than feeling constantly stressed about studying and revision.


I’m now hoping to get back on with my new years resolution of “weekly or fortnightly” blogging and hopefully engaging with you guys a lot more on social media! So make sure you’re subscribed to the blog and are following on my socials, so you don’t miss anything.


As for the rest of my summer – I have about a month or so left until I commence my training year and enter the world of full time work. So I’ll be making the most of this precious/unemployed time by hanging out with friends, attending some events, trying to get fit (I did my first work out in a while yesterday and it was a shambles… I’m genuinely baffled at how unfit I have become…very tragic lol) and taking a girl’s trip to Barcelona with some of my uni gals to celebrate the end of our Masters degree!


What are your summer plans?


Let me know in the comments below!




CJ x



2 comments so far.

2 responses to “Chit-chat: Where have I been? Finishing uni, summer plans and what next…”

  1. Sinachi says:

    I graduated last year and this is how I felt a year ago. Your pre-reg year will be challenging but also very rewarding. Good luck with your year and the exam. You’re going to smash it xx

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