Maintaining your peace and remaining positive during a season of social distancing and isolation


Hey Beautiful people!


Things seem to have gotten a little crazy in this world since my last post eh? The Corona virus i.e COVID-19 has spread like wildfire and now here in the UK self-isolation and social distancing will become our new normal. It’s also a very anxiety provoking time for many regarding finances, living situations, work and of course health, and choosing faith over fear can sometimes become easier said than done, so I thought I’d some things that I’m doing to stay calm and make the most of this season whilst I balance my time between the front-line and self-isolating with my family.


Get up and get ready for the day

OK so this might sound  a little crazy but getting up and ready for the day as if I’m leaving the house  really helps me increase my productivity levels when I want to make the most out of a day, and I feel like it’s an essential habit that could help those of you who are working from home. So let’s try and leave pyjama days for the days that we plan on just chilling and relaxing…?


Utilise this extra time

Many of us have ben leading very “busy” lives, and we can all think of at least one thing that we always say that we don’t have time for, or that we’re too busy to do. The pace of life has majorly slowed down, and we might as well make the most of the time that we now have, even if your working from home, the time that was once used for you commute can now be allocated elsewhere.

Whether it’s learning a new language, getting back to your hobbies, spending quality time with families, or bringing to life any plans or ideas that God has laid on you heart…let’s try and have some positives come out of the situation. I personally will be utilising some it to re-evaluate the future of this blog, work on a little something something that shan’t yet be named and having fun on my new favourite app…TikTok…give me a follow at chloejessicalondon 😉


Take care of what you consume

COVID-19 is being spoken all the time on every single platform and rightly so! However that combined with being stuck indoors has the potential to become extremely anxiety provoking for many of us, so let’s be careful about what we’re exposing ourselves to social media so that it can be something that positively helps us during this time rather than hindering our mental health.


Communicate with others

Social distancing doesn’t have to be completely lonely if we don’t want it to. Let’s make the extra effort to keep in contact and reach out to friends and family virtually. There are  many apps available such as Netflix party, Zoom meetings, House party and of course Skype and WhatsApp, so make sure you’re connecting with others. For me, as an extroverted introvert I haven’t yet been too bothered by the concept of social distancing, as it’s quite a natural thing for me, however I have been making a conscious effort to keep in touch and talk to friends as I’m very aware that in a few weeks time the extrovert in me is likely extremely oppressed.


Spend time with God

Last but not least – as for me personally this is the most important one. Spending time with God is more essential than ever in this season, drawing closer to him and spending time in the word will help you develop a peace in your heart. Many of us (myself included) are guilty of not prioritising our time with God , but as time has now slowed down there is no reason why we should be unable to make that extra effort as we re-allocate our time. This is definitely something that has helped me maintain my peace and sanity in such uncertain times. I’ve linked below a Praise and worship playlist that might help you with this <3





Look after yourselves and stay safe!




CJ x



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